Education Workshop

March 2023

Education is vital for Yemen’s future after the war. On 9 March 2023, we ran a workshop in al-Ghayda to discuss teaching challenges and suggest simple solutions to improve efficiency, effectiveness and conditions.

Administrative Training

December 2022

We are proud to help raise the level of local government administration in our region. In December 2022, we ran a 3-day training course in Hawf in Mahra, east Yemen, on how to write administrative reports and letters. Thanks to the trainer, Ms Maha Ali.

Conflict Resolution Training

October 2021

نظمت مبادرة القيادات الشابة بالعاصمة الغيضة دورة تدريبية ل(32) من طلاب وطالبات كلية التربية بدعم من منظمة شركاء اليمن وإشراف جمعية وحدة شباب المهرة
وإن اهداف الدورة هي تعريف المشاركين على مفاهيم ومصطلحات تحليل النزاعات وطرق تسويتها والحد من العنف من خلال مبادرات بناء السلام وتعزيز المشاركة المجتمعية

Earlier this month, MYUA organised a Youth Leadership Training Course on conflict analysis and resolution for students of the College of Education, with the support of PartnersYemen.

Thirty two male and female students of the College of Education learned methods of conflict analysis, how to recognise the concerns and problems of society and how to prioritise needs using specialist technical tools.

Student Awareness Initiative

October 2021

الغيضة / 15أكتوبر 2021م

دشنت جمعية وحدة شباب المهرة المبادرة الطلابية التوعوية حول الظواهر السلبية في المجتمع والتي تشمل عدم مواصلة التعليم الجامعي وتجنيد الأطفال وتعاطي المخدرات وهذا ضمن مشروع القيادات الشابة الممول من منظمة شركاء اليمن

On 15 Oct, we launched a community campaign to raise awareness of the dangers of child recruitment, drug abuse, and breaking off education. We’re grateful for the support of Partners Yemen and Partners Global for this project.

The campaign aims to protect young people by educating the community on potentially destabilising risks. It is being implemented by student councils in the Faculties of Education and Applied Sciences and the Technical Institute in Mahra governorate.

Environmental Project

October 2021

UPDATE: We made a new video to raise awareness of the litter problem on our sea front. Single-use plastic bags are still being used, but hopefully we can work on that next.

September 2021

A fantastic new environmental project has been launched in Mahra to discourage littering, promote recycling and prevent disease. An influx of Yemenis displaced by war makes this especially important. Thank you to its funders Partners Yemen, part of Partners Global. Find out more by watching two short videos (in Arabic).

School Graduation

July 2021

In 2013, this class in a rural desert area of Mahra had no formal teacher, no books, no pens, but a lot of enthusiasm. We found them a teacher for two years and then the Education Ministry took on the contract. Last month, they officially graduated secondary school!
In all, eight boys passed, after travelling all the way to the coastal capital to sit their final test. Congratulations!!

New education initiative by Mahra Youth Unity Association

May 2016

As part of a new initiative by Mahra Youth Unity Association, the education programme ‘Me & Us’ is being run for the first time in Al-Mahra governorate. ‘Me & Us’ supplements the official curriculum and focuses on life skills, creativity, collaboration and good citizenship. Tailored to the local environment, its aim is to inspire and encourage both pupils and teachers.